Tokens by
Tokens are used to access any area on AOL. Tokens are
two bytes are have one of three things that accompany
Nothing. These tokens are sent raw, meaning it has
no argument. For example, the TM token has no
argument. This token brings up the Online Clock which
can normally be accessed via My AOL > Online
To access any raw token you need save the following
text stream onto your hard drive then run it via Play
Text Stream in the Star
uni_start_stream sm_send_token_raw
<"token"> uni_end_stream
A value. These tokens are sent along with a value.
The value will determine what window is brought up
when the token is sent. For example, the token nx sent
with the argument 1 starts the create screen name
process. However, nx send along with 2 begins the
delete screen name process. Note these are appreviated
nx 1 and nx 2.
AOL usues a special algorithm to make abbreviate
value arguments. Take f1 2103270 for example. Using
the algorithm which BMB explains on his Global
ID's tutorial, 2103270 can be converted to
32-6118. Therefore, f1 2103270 and f1 32-6118 are
To access any token along with a value save the
following text stream onto your hard drive then run it
via Play Text Stream in the Star Tool uni_start_stream sm_m_send_token_arg
arg> uni_end_stream
Replace the token with the token you wish to
send and arg with its argument.
A string. These tokens are sent along with a string
that you input somewhere on the form that sends the
token. For example, the Ln token, which is the locate
member token, is sent with a screen name that was
inputed on the Locate Member Online form. AOL sends
the all the content of the form when OK is clicked
using the de_ez_send_form atom.
This is unconvenient though, because this will only
work if the entire form is recreated. To send the
token Ln along with a string is more complicated then
sending it with a value. The string needs to be in
hex. Using my Hex
Converter program strings can easily be converted
into their hex format. Using the following method is
how to send a token along with a string via FDO:
uni_start_stream buf_start_buffer
<9fx> buf_set_token
<"token"> buf_add_atom_data
<string in hex
format> buf_close_buffer uni_end_stream
Therefore, to locate Steve Case you would replace
the token with Ln. Using the hex converter I
converted Steve Case to 53x, 74x, 65x, 76x, 65x, 20x,
43x, 61x, 73x, 65x Replace string in hex format
with this data. Now run it via the Star
Tool. Token
Some tokens can only be accessed by sending a
specific series of tokens before it. For example, the nx
1 token which begins the create screen name process will
not do anything until the name process has been
initiated by the nY token. Sending nx 1 without sending
nY will not do anything. This is true with many
tokens. |